You hear all of this talk about body detox and what it can do for your health. You probably understand what it can do for your body but do you know what it can do for your mind?
If you want to detox your mind, you will want to create a “cleansing day”. Because life brings many stresses and worries from day to day, you will want to have a regular cleansing day not just one time and then never again.
You might want to detox your mind once a week or once every two weeks. If you are really pushed for time, you might go longer than that but the more often, the better so your mind doesn’t get clogged down again.
One way you can release many of your past stresses, worries and fears is to keep a journal to write daily about how you feel. Or maybe if you don’t have time to write daily you can write only on your cleansing day. You might also want to write letters (that you don’t send) to yourself or friends or family members writing about your emotions, events that happened and other things to help you release stress that clogs up the mind.
You need to be careful not to try to just push away negative feelings. They never truly disappear and they just get clogged in your system and come back later bigger to make you feel worse of they lie there quietly but nag at you little by little with each passing day.
Instead, take these feeling and embrace them but move on as a smarter person and don’t hold to past pains and regrets.
These are great steps to take to detoxify the mind and start living a new fresh life with less worries and fears. A detox of the mind will also help you feel better and healthier as a person.
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